
27 12, 2018

Eliminate your fears and doubts about anti-fatigue mat.

By |December 27th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments

Many colors are available for you to choose to decorate your kitchen, so that your life is more comfortable

High flexibility enclosed foaming bottom can relieve foot blood circulation pressure, promote blood circulation, reduce the fatigue of the body, so as to improve work efficiency, improve human health index and safety coefficient. Make your work and life healthier and more productive.

The back of the mat is non-skid, anti-fouling and easy to clean.

The polyurethane anti-fatigue […]

4 12, 2018

Standing office is very popular. Can you lose 6 pounds a year?

By |December 4th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments

It is said that there is a new fashion in white-collar offices recently—

Make no mistake,

They’re not being made to stand on a ledge by their boss!

Stand up office

It has become a fashion in some offices nowadays

And an active choice for many white-collar workers.

You’ve been making excuses for sitting and saving meat.

Now, here’s the chance—

Let’s have a look at the action of the small partners how to say —
Kangchu Pro: sitting at work for a […]

29 11, 2018

Sitting for too long is dangerous, and “standing office” is the answer to everything?

By |November 29th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments

You’ve probably heard the warning that sitting for too long can lead to cancer. A sedentary lifestyle poses a great threat to our health. If we sit for too long every day and are tied down by computers and TV, it will do great harm to our health. However, health experts are worried not only about sitting too much but also about a general lack of physical activity.

In a new paper published in the […]

22 11, 2018

Translating a US Thanksgiving to family in China

By |November 22nd, 2018|Blog|0 Comments

“Well, we have this big meal together with family, and we eat things like turkey and cranberries…”
As I tried describing Thanksgiving Day, one of the most quintessential American holidays, to my in-laws in China, I could already see their eyes glaze over with confusion and sense the questions forming in their minds.
Turkey? Cranberries? Even though I expressed these perfectly in Chinese, the result was still gibberish because they had never seen a turkey or […]

20 11, 2018

Don’t underestimate the health effects of prolonged standing

By |November 20th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments

According to new research, standing for a long time is also bad for us. The study, conducted by scientists at the University of Curtin in Australia, found that adults who stand for two hours at work experience increased physical discomfort and reduced mental health. Think many people have the same idea when they read this. Earlier this year, medical news today reported a study that linked prolonged sitting to visceral fat, or the accumulation […]

29 12, 2016

7 Things You Should Know Before Buying A Yoga Mat

By |December 29th, 2016|Blog|0 Comments

So you’ve decided to join the 21 million adults in the U.S. who practice yoga. Or maybe you’ve had it with your mat, and you’re looking for a new one. In any case, over at The Huffington Post we’ve been wondering: what should we be looking for in a yoga mat to make sure we get the most out of our vinyasa?

Upon consulting a few yoga instructors, we got some insight into what everyone […]

29 11, 2016

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Standing Desks?

By |November 29th, 2016|Blog|0 Comments

While working in a newsroom, I spent a couple of years sitting at my desk eight hours a day. When the whole standing desk craze hit, several people in the newsroom transitioned, I among them (though it took a while before I jumped on board).

We all found different, Rube Golberg-ian ways to accommodate our new desire to stand, but after some trial and error, we figured out what worked best. Like prairie dogs peeking […]

29 11, 2016

7 Amazing Benefits of a Standing Desk

By |November 29th, 2016|Blog|0 Comments

A little over a year ago I built a standing desk at my office. It was a bizarre mixture of spare pieces of wood, used textbooks, and a cheap floor mat to stand on. Today – I am still using it.

I really thought my little experiment would only last a day or two. In fact, after less than an hour of standing I was ready to throw in the towel.

But, I stuck with it […]

27 10, 2016

About Anti-Fatigue Mats? The What, the How, and the Why

By |October 27th, 2016|Blog|0 Comments

It’s important to recognize the difference between tiredness and fatigue, because fatigue is a marker that the body is not able to keep up. The onset of the manifestations of fatigue, particularly if these are not normal states for you, should be taken seriously.” While anyone can grow tired of standing all day, there’s a distinct difference when we start to talk about fatigue, which for me, conjures up images of throbbing feet, aching […]

25 09, 2016

Enduring Pain From Long Standing? Relieve Yourself With These 8 Easy Steps

By |September 25th, 2016|Blog|0 Comments

Have you experienced pain from long standing?

This type of pain is one of the most common problems people face in latest decade. It is increased by having weak abdominals, periods of stress, high blood pressure, poor posture, knee problems, neck and shoulder stiffness.

The most common problems that standing for extended periods of time causes are swelling in the legs, discomfort and fatigue. Among the worst symptoms related to prolonged standing are heart disease and […]