
29 09, 2020

Sales of P-brand Exercise Equipments Surge 172% as Pandemic Bolsters Home Fitness Industry

By |September 29th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

For almost all Exercise Equipment brands, the COVID-19 has been profitable. Many fitness company announced their first-ever quarterly profit, which were bolstered by at least 150% -350% surge in sales and more than 1 million people subscribing to their streaming classes.

Wholesale Bike Trainer Mats

Due to the COVID-19 virus, famous Fitness company P-brand has seen its fortunes soar this year. As well as many other fitness equipment companys. Home-bound customers have been stocking up on stationary bikes […]

24 09, 2020

Why An Exercise Equipment Mat is Necessary When Exercising?

By |September 24th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

The shock caused by our feet when they land on the treadmill or any other exercise fitness machines can not be underestimated. According to professionals who study how humans run, all of our weight and additional force will be on our foot when we finish a stride. This impact sends pressure and vibrations through the machine, which impact the floor and can cause damage, thus providing the value of a treadmill mat.

In addition, Exercise Equipment […]

19 09, 2020

Experts’ Choice : SheepMats Anti-Fatigue Salon Floor Mats

By |September 19th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Beauty Mats, or well known as Anti-Fatigue Salon Mats, are a tremendous health benefit with the grueling standing requirements of the industry. Insufficiently, they are often unsightly, tattered, torn, as well as with little anti-fatigue value. Through imagination and innovation, SheepMats continues to elevate, expand and develop meaningful products that fit today’s salon and barbering markets.

With premium comfort and proven durability, our Top Grade High Density PU Foam Standing Salon Mats Solutions are designed […]

11 09, 2020

The Best Global Wholesaler of Anti-Fatigue Mats

By |September 11th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

A perfect Anti-Fatigue Floor Mats can triple the amount of time you can stand at your sit-stand desk in comfort in daily life. But searching for the right standing desk mat for your standing desk can be daunting. They come in all sizes, colors, and quality of construction—from flimsy residential Kitchen Comfort Mats designed for short bouts of barefoot use to sturdy commercial-grade models designed for all-day use at a standing desk, wearing shoes, or even stiletto heels. Given the […]

4 09, 2020

BestSeller of 2020: SheepMats Exercise Equipment Mats

By |September 4th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Stay at Home & Stay Active! We sold 1 million pcs of Exercise Equipment Mats so far this year – That’s 1,000,000 pieces! Sales of Our Exercise Fitness Mats has a BURST in the past 8 months due to the global pandemic COVID-19.

Not only suitable for commercial gym equipments (eg. Heavy Duty Exercise Equipment Mats), SheepMats Exercise Mats also fits perfectly well for personal home gym equipments (eg. Home Workout Exercise Equipment Mats), as […]

28 08, 2020

Balance Training with a Balance Board Part II

By |August 28th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Intensity Level: Moderate

When doing balance training with a Balance Board, you don’t have to run, jump, or do any other high-impact or high-intensity exercises. Usually balance training involves slow, methodical movements.

Anti Fatigue Balance Board Wobble Board Egg Shape

Areas It Targets

Core: Yes. You need strong core muscles for good balance. Many stability exercises will work your abs and other core muscles.

Arms: No. Most balance exercises are about balancing on your feet. So unless you’re doing moves that […]

21 08, 2020

How to Use A Balance Board While Balance Training Part I

By |August 21st, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

How a Balance Board Works?

Though it might not cross your mind, you need good balance to do just about everything, including walking, getting out of a chair, and leaning over to tie your shoes. Strong muscles and being able to keep yourself steady make all the difference in those and many other things you do every day.

anti fatigue standing desk mat balance board

Balance training involves doing exercises that strengthen the muscles that help keep […]

14 08, 2020

A Perfect Balance Board for Standing Desks

By |August 14th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Balance Boards (also called Wobble Boards) are steadily gaining the favor of the standing desk mainstream, and it doesn’t seem like that trend is going to end any time soon. Quite the opposite. More and more standing deskers are looking for ways to make their newly found routine even less stationary, and as a result healthier. If you cannot afford to put a treadmill under your desk, you can get away with a cheap Anti […]

7 08, 2020

6 Frequently Asked Questions About Anti-Fatigue Mats

By |August 7th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

What are anti-fatigue floor mats?

The basic aim of Anti-Fatigue Floor Mats (also called Comfort Standing Mats) is to reduce the risk of fatigue and strain from long periods on hard surfaces. For example, there may be people with foot and lower limb issues that struggle to stand for a long time on hard floors. This can be a problem in kitchens, where seniors may experience pain, cramp and other problems while cooking, washing dishes […]

24 07, 2020

Best Standing Desk Accessories

By |July 24th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

To give yourself the full working experience, got yourself a standing desk is never enough. For those who get a standing desk for the first time, they tend to never get the most use of it.

Below are some best standing desk accessories to add to your standing desk.

1. Standing Desk Mats

anti fatigue standing desk mat with massage ball

Most people reallize that after they have their sit/stand desk they realize that even though sitting sucks, […]