Sore feet, painful lower back, tiredness. The unyielding syndrome of the life in the 21st century is that we get tired, we are in pain, and we are not caring for our health. Anti-Fatigue Mats emerged in recent period as a game-changing product for the workers, home-stay moms, teachers… Practically everyone who spends they working time standing.

What are anti fatigue mat? Who uses them? Do they actually work?
If you haven’t heard about these products, here is the perfect opportunity.
We will guide you through sections, which are designed specifically to help you discover everything about anti fatigue floor mats.
When you’re done you’ll be one step closer to the better quality of life, better health, and less pain. You’ll enjoy more comfort, and you’ll be a happier, productive and healthy person.
Let’s dive in!
Heads up: This one is quite long, so we separated it into sections, and provided jump buttons for you to ease the browsing.
[button link=”#Why do we need an anti fatigue mat?” color=”dark green” size=”medium” type=”3d” shape=”square” target=”_self” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” border_width=”1px” shadow=”yes”]Why do we need an anti fatigue mat?[/button]
[button link=”#The benefits of anti fatigue mats” color=”dark green” size=”medium” type=”3d” shape=”square” target=”_self” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” border_width=”1px” shadow=”yes”]The benefits of anti fatigue mats[/button]
[button link=”#Types of anti fatigue mats” color=”dark green” size=”medium” type=”3d” shape=”square” target=”_self” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” border_width=”1px” shadow=”yes”]Types of anti fatigue mats[/button]
[button link=”#What makes quality built mat and what to look for in anti fatigue mats?” color=”dark green” size=”medium” type=”3d” shape=”square” target=”_self” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” border_width=”1px” shadow=”yes”]What makes quality built mat and what to look for in anti fatigue mats?
[button link=”#Best anti fatigue mats brands” color=”dark green” size=”medium” type=”3d” shape=”square” target=”_self” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” border_width=”1px” shadow=”yes”]Best anti fatigue mats brands[/button]
[button link=”#Where to buy anti fatigue mat?” color=”dark green” size=”medium” type=”3d” shape=”square” target=”_self” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” border_width=”1px” shadow=”yes”]Where to buy anti fatigue mat?[/button]
[button link=”#How to select the right anti fatigue mats?” color=”dark green” size=”medium” type=”3d” shape=”square” target=”_self” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” border_width=”1px” shadow=”yes”]How to select the right anti fatigue mats?[/button]
[button link=”#How to maintain your anti fatigue mats?” color=”dark green” size=”medium” type=”3d” shape=”square” target=”_self” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” border_width=”1px” shadow=”yes”]How to maintain your anti fatigue mats?[/button]
[button link=”#Conclusion” color=”dark green” size=”medium” type=”3d” shape=”square” target=”_self” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” border_width=”1px” shadow=”yes”]Conclusion[/button]
What Are Anti Fatigue Mats?
Anti-Fatigue Mats are basically floor mats with ergonomic properties. They provide support for your body, reduce fatigue while you are working and offer a safe haven for your feet.

We all know how standing in the same place for hours can be uncomfortable. When you are cooking or working, those back pains are drifting your mind off work and it is almost impossible to retain your level of concentration. Anti fatigue mats are designed for that very purpose – ease your job and make you focused on the task at hand.
Anti fatigue mats are most commonly used in kitchens, at the office, and environments that require a lot of standing and walking. They come in different colors, sizes and shapes to match all kinds of surroundings and be more aesthetically pleasing. Various materials are used in the process of making an anti fatigue mat, such as rubber, foam, vinyl and gel. Anti fatigue mats come with different thickness and elasticity, so you can choose the one mat that suits your needs the best.
Why Do We Need An Anti Fatigue Mat?
The main reason why you should get an anti fatigue mat is your health. Standing still for a prolonged period of time is very unhealthy considering the fact that our body is made to be on the constant move. Apart from headaches, back pain is one of the most common source of pain worldwide and it is one of the leading causes of fatigue.

We have all felt an unpleasant back, feet or leg pain that can sometimes drive us mad. If you were a salesman working behind a counter for example, your job would not go very well if you were grumpy and unfriendly all the time due to back pain. The customers expect a friendly environment and a good service; suffering a painful back you can’t serve the customer flawlessly. That is a problem that people encounter every day, not knowing that there is a simple solution – an anti fatigue mat.
Anti fatigue mats do not only make you comfortable in your place, but they also have a great impact on your overall health. They improve your circulation. When you stand on your feet in a static position for too long your muscles become constricted and thus the blood flow is reduced. This leads to a state where your heart has to work harder in order to supply blood to the constricted areas.
You can see anti fatigue comfort mats almost everywhere you go, and there is a good reason why. These mats are being used more and more by companies and small business because they are effective in relieving people of their fatigue and making them more productive. In the section below we will address to what are the benefits of anti fatigue matting in detail.
The Benefits of Anti Fatigue Mats

Although we have mentioned some of the benefits briefly already, we will now go through them in depth. Anti fatigue mats are manufactured to prevent any kind of injury and to provide comfort while you stand on them. They are also ergonomic and designed to provide the optimal comfort for you.These mats are made to prevent slippage or any injury of that kind with grips on the sides and a rubber surface. They are also made to be safe for use in almost any environment as they are generally chemical resistant and static dissipate which makes them safe for usage near power sources.
Anti fatigue standing mats are comfortable and safe, but that is not everything that makes them great. We have created a small list of what exactly makes these mats beneficial.
- Anti fatigue mats provide better resistance and shock absorption. Almost every business has concrete floors which can damage your legs and joints because they do not provide any resistance or shock absorbency. The number of people that experience lower leg pain is increasing because they are required to stand on that kind of flooring for the longer period of time.
- Anti fatigue mats provide better circulation for your body. We already

covered a bit of this subject
above, but this is one of the key factors which makes these mats what they are. Anti fatigue mats reduce the stress on the whole body allowing your blood to flow without any restrictions thus reducing fatigue in the process.Anti fatigue mats reduce compression of the spinal cord. Those long standing hours affect your spine significantly. When you are standing constantly, your back muscles and spine do all the work in keeping your body straight. You will definitely do your spine a favor by standing on an anti fatigue mat as they reduce spinal compression by up to 40%. Anti fatigue mats can reduce the risk of damaging falling objects like glass or any other gadgets you may have that break easily. Anti fatigue mats are easy to clean and move around. Although you would not consider this as a health benefit, it is a benefit after all. These mats are easy to maintain, you don’t need any special products to keep them clean; you can move them to any spot you would like without any effort.
Types of Anti Fatigue Mats
Anti fatigue mats are diverse when it comes to the material they are made of. Every type of mat is made with its unique properties and for a place where they are going to be used in like in heavy industries, kitchens, standing desks and others. In order to make it easier for you to decide which mat will suit your needs the best, we have made a list of different types of anti fatigue floor mats.
[fusion_tabs layout=”vertical” justified=”yes” backgroundcolor=”” inactivecolor=”” class=”” id=””]
[fusion_tab title=”Foam Anti Fatigue Mats“]
Foam anti fatigue mats are often used in house areas like kitchens and bathrooms. These mats are very affordable; they are the most common type in anti fatigue mat world. They are pretty average when it comes to ergonomics and anti fatigue properties as they offer a medium amount of comfort and fatigue relieve. These mats should not be used for longer periods of time as they compress fairly quick.[/fusion_tab]
[fusion_tab title=”Foam rubber anti fatigue mats“]
Foam rubber anti fatigue mats are basically foam mats coated in rubber which makes them more durable.
These mats are often used in workshops and other places where the harsh working environment can cause damage.
Foam rubber mats often have higher foam density inside – that results in the mat being more suitable for longer hours of standing without losing its composure.[/fusion_tab]
[fusion_tab title=”Hard rubber anti fatigue mats“]As the name itself implies, hard rubber anti fatigue mats are the sturdiest mats on the market. They are extremely durable but offer little less of anti fatigue and ergonomic properties than the other mats. Mostly used in industrial compounds, hard rubber anti fatigue mats are easy to clean and can withstand a hazardous environment that other mats cannot.[/fusion_tab]
[fusion_tab title=”Gel anti fatigue mats“]Gel-filled anti fatigue mats are one of the most beneficial when it comes to ergonomics and fatigue prevention. They are covered with harder exterior material so they could be more resistant. Best places to use them are households and offices as they are not suitable for harsh environments. Gel mats cost more than all other mats, but the they are worth every cent.[/fusion_tab]
What Makes Quality Built Mat and What To Look For in Anti Fatigue Mats?
When you decide to purchase something, you want that product to be worthy of the money you pay. Same can be said for the anti fatigue mats. Firstly, you need to know what makes a quality anti fatigue mat and on what features you need to pay attention.
Let’s see what makes a quality anti-fatigue mat:
[title size=”2″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single solid” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]Warranty[/title]
The manufacturer’s warranty is a claim of reliability that company offers to the shopper. Durability is the most important aspect of the warranty; it indicates how long will the mat keep its composure. Anything less than 5 years is not good. Most of the mats these days are made of polyurethane and have a lifetime warranty. Others, however, have approximately 5-10 years of guaranteed durability. Don’t get us wrong, they are not bad, it’s just that other kinds of material lose their consistency over time.
[title size=”2″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single solid” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]Pressure[/title]
As you already know, we are not all the same height and weight. It is key to know what kind of pressure your mat can withstand. For example, if a 250 lbs man stands on a mat that is designed for a 150 lbs person, the mat will sooner lose its composure and its anti fatigue properties. All quality mats must have a weight range, so the consumers can know how much pressure is advised.
[title size=”2″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single solid” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]Price[/title]
Price should not always determine the quality of the product. It can be a valuable indicator that can help you determine how well an anti fatigue mat is made. Some of the mats may seem pricey; have in mind that they are not your average domestic mats, but mats with ergonomic properties. Having a quality anti fatigue mat might be expensive, but you won’t pay the ultimate price – your overall health.
[title size=”2″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single solid” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]Condition testing[/title]

Condition testing is fairly easy to do, and the value and information you get from it is very useful. How to do it? Just simply step on the mat and make a footprint, then take a step back and observe how the mat behaves. If the mat returns to it former state quickly after that, than it means it is made very well.
So now that we covered what makes a quality anti fatigue mat, let’s take a turn and explain what should you look for when purchasing this product.
[title size=”2″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single solid” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]Materials[/title]
When you decide to buy a standing mat, you should know where you will use it. As mentioned above, there are several materials used in manufacturing these mats, so you should pick them according to your needs.
[title size=”2″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single solid” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]Style and design[/title]
Anti fatigue mats should be pleasing to the eye and aesthetical. Most mats come in different colors and styles to help you make your interior to your desired taste. The most important part of the design you should look for in your mat is the safety factor. Your mat should always be made with an anti-slip material or at least have corner tappers to provide safety.
[title size=”2″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single solid” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]Thickness [/title]
The thickness of the mat is very important; you should never buy a mat that is too thick or too thin. The optimal thickness of the mat should be 3/4″ as it provides the best anti fatigue assets. However, if you already have some softer flooring at a place you wish to put your mat on, 1/2“ should be sufficient.
[title size=”2″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single solid” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]Size[/title]
You should determine the size of the mat based on the area you want it to cover. If you are buying your mat for the kitchen, regular mats that generally come in a size of two feet by three would be enough. If you tend to move more at work, going from one place to the other, the choice is obvious. The bigger the mat, the better it is. Anti fatigue mats come in different factory sizes; 2 by 3 feet, 3 by 5 feet, 3 by 12 feet, and 3 by 60 feet. If those sizes do not suit the place you wish to put your mat in, some companies offer you the option to customize the mat to your desired size.
[title size=”2″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single solid” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]Sheep Mats[/title]
The pioneer in global distribution, Sheep Mats provides quality products with big discounts. The Chinese efficiency and quality is tough to compete with; this company is working hard for last 10 years, creating products for multiple areas in the home or work environment, industrial products and more.

The product line is vast, covering every possible aspect where you might use an anti fatigue mat:
- Anti Fatigue Kitchen Mats
- Salon Anti Fatigue Mats
- Standing Desk Mats
- Exercise Equipment Mats
- Industrial Anti Fatigue Mats
- Medical Anti Fatigue Mats
- Yoga Mats
Impressive knowledge and experience in producing standing mats enable this company to satisfy the most demanding customers. Several international standards, testimonials from thousands of customers assure you’re getting a first-class product when you order from Sheep Mats. Brands like GRAINGER, TARGET, PHILIPPS, COSTCO and more have put their trust in this company, and you won’t make a mistake if you do it too. As the slogan says: “Quality is Life.”
You can browse the vast product line and request a free sample HERE.
When you’re selecting a mat, there are some things to have in mind while selecting, or making a decision between products or brands. A wrong decision can lead to more discomfort and pain, instead of relieving and health benefits. Your surrounding and the primary intent for the mat is critical, as manufacturers produce mats with a particular usage in mind. Here we’ll list some of the most valuable tips on how to select the right anti fatigue mat for yourself:
Choose according to your needs and preference
When choosing an anti fatigue mat for yourself, know your physical condition, and analyze your living pattern. If you stand a lot in one place, or you move in aa small area (e.z. kitchen), your mat should follow your needs and cover your movement area. Follow your preferences, and know if you’d like more stability or more sturdiness.

Check the size
You should be aware one thing – buying a mat that covers small area won’t help you a lot if you aren’t able to spend significant time on it. This relates to the working environments especially; if you have to move, try to get a bigger mat or custom-sized mat. It may be pricey, but you’re investing in your health here, and there should be no exceptions.
Check the warranty
Companies usually provide warranty for floor matting products, and you need to inspect it, as there can be several types of warranties, and different warranty conditions. Be smart and check that out first, so you can know what happens if some accidents happen and your mat gets damaged. The lifetime warranty is usually a good sign. People often look at the prices and that’s it. Some products with a lifetime warranty might seem more expensive, but on a long run, they will pay for themselves significantly.
Check out what is the primary intent for the product you’re purchasing
Manufacturers produce different types of mats for various surroundings; by this, we mean mostly to wet, dry, oily locations, or locations with high temperatures.

Perform the resistance test
Use a simple method to check the product’s quality. Apply some quick pressure (if possible, stand on it for a few seconds), and then observe how the mat behaves. Depending on the speed of recovery to the previous state, you can see how good the product is.

Examine the edges
The edges of the mat should stick to the floor firmly, to prevent tripping. We generally don’t pay attention to our movement, especially in the house. A mat that has weak edges that are prone to curlingcan make you trip over it and fall, resulting in injury.
Anti-fatigue mats are simple products – you just place them in the position you’ve bought it for, and forget about it, enjoy your health benefits. Even though they come with multi-year or lifetime warranty for their durability and form, these products aren’t indestructible. You’ll need to take care of your anti-fatigue mat occasionally, and obey some rules to prevent damage to the product.
- First of all, you need to care about the sharp objects that might puncture the mat (high heels, falling knives of forks, etc.) as those are most common reasons for damaged products. These are usually not covered by the warranties that manufacturers provide.
- You should be aware that anti-fatigue mats are prone to damage from strong chemicals; damage is possible if the contact with some stronger acids or something similar occurs. Products like oil based cleaners, hydrocarbon solvents, and vinyl cleaners damage the mat.
- Next, you should wash your mat at least once a year, using plain water and soap, as it provides the efficient cleaning without any significant expenses. Every anti-fatigue mat comes with cleaning guidelines, which should be followed – soap and water combination is the universal solution.
Anti fatigue mats have changed the way we live our lives. They came as the revolutionary supporting systems, paired perfectly with standing desks. Now the global workforce doesn’t have to spend days sitting in front of their computers working, or standing painfully on their positions.
These incredible products affect us more than we can imagine. Anti fatigue mats change lives to the better, it is a proven fact. No matter if you’re in pain or not, you should change your life by acquiring a quality anti fatigue mat.
Your better health, better posture, and overall better yourself awaits you in the future!